March Newsletter 2024

Dear Friends of Columbia Play Project, 

It's hard to believe that 4 years ago this month, the world shut down due to Covid-19 and its ravaging impacts on our communities.  Today, we are still seeing the negative fallout on our kids and families.  According to the National Institute of Health (NIH),"the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a substantial toll on the social, emotional, behavioral, mental, physical, educational, and economic health and well-being of children and adults."

"To address these losses, adequate time, attention, and resources are needed to help children process their pandemic experience; cope with uncertainty and change; rebuild social, cultural, and community connections; and readjust to group learning environments. Supporting students' social and emotional needs will not only make it easier to address academic fallout in the long run, but also provide them with the internal resources and external support to cope with what is likely to be an indefinite period of uncertainty and change."*

Columbia Play Project was born right before the pandemic with a dream of creating exploratory play in our community.  That dream is even more important now and we remain convinced that play, and lots of it, is a natural antidote to the stress that families are encountering.  When kids play, their bodies release the happy hormones that create attachment, feelings of self-worth and happiness.  In short, play helps children become resilient.  

As we move into our busy season, Columbia Play Project staff and volunteers are excited and ready to bring exploratory play to your neighborhood but we need your help to do it.  Please consider the following ways to support our kids and families: 

DONATE -- your donations make play available at no cost to kids and families throughout Clark County.  
VOLUNTEER -- we need volunteers to work Pop-Up Children's Museum events, support fundraising, and expand our network.  
SPONSOR -- your business can make a huge difference by supporting CPP's special events -- the Spring Luncheon, Family Play Day, Grandparent's Play Day or Bricktastic!

We need your help to make more play available to keep the healing going.  Thanks very much. 

- Jeanne


April Newsletter 2024